The robots are coming …. to deliver your fresh milk

The world’s first robot milk robot is doing the rounds

THE WORLD’S first robot milk round has been launched as plant-based drinks brand Plenish have announced that their new ‘Enriched’ range will be delivered by autonomous bots in Milton Keynes, Bucks.

The revolutionary move will not only save customers a journey to the shops, but it’ll also help to save the planet.

That’s because the delivery robots – run by local technology firm Starship – are powered by eco-friendly electric batteries, rather than fuel-guzzling engines.

Nipping out for a pint of milk, as the saying goes, can be particularly damaging to the environment as modern cars produce twice as much carbon emissions in the first five minutes of a journey. 

Given that more than half of all British car journeys are less than two miles, this soon adds up.

What’s more, milk production also takes a huge toll on the planet. Environmental scientist Joseph Poore, from the University of Oxford, has shown that Plenish’s plant-based milk has up to 70% fewer carbon emissions than dairy. Making the robot milk round a win-win for the environment.

Kara Rosen, the founder of Plenish, said: “We are a future-conscious brand which is always looking to innovate. Through our new Enriched range, Plenish has created the m*lk of the future – so what better way to deliver it than through a robot milk round?

“Our brand ethos is all about healthy you, healthy planet – and this is the embodiment of that.”

Dietician Helen Bond said: “Numerous studies are backing up what Mother Nature has long known: that plant-based foods are powerful allies in the battle for a healthier you, and a healthier environment.

“More and more of us are making the switch to plant-based dairy alternatives.”

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