Industry-led events set to spotlight cybersecurity.


MORE THAN 60 events are taking place this Cyber Scotland Week (17 – 23 February) to encourage people from all walks of life to consider a career in data security.

Organised by the Scottish Government and ScotlandIS, Cyber Scotland Week showcases innovation in the sector and the many economic opportunities in combatting the global cyber threat.

Scotland’s cyber company base has grown considerably in response to Scottish, UK and international demand, from around 50 companies in 2017 to just over 90 companies today.

Deputy First Minister John Swinney said:

Cyber Scotland Week gives people of all ages the chance to come together to understand and learn about the threat and to hear about the wealth of cybersecurity careers opportunities.

“With over 60 events across the country, this Cyber Scotland Week builds on last year’s success and contribute to our ambition for Scotland to be a world leading cyber resilient nation.”

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