New VR tech could help gamers experience ‘ludicrous speed’ without motion sickness

A team of human-computer interaction specialists from the UK and Canada have developed the first system to manage motion sickness in VR which also allows users to feel like they’re moving much faster or much slower than the real-life vehicle they’re travelling in. Their results suggest that controlling travellers’ perceptions of speed in virtual reality can […]

Boost in small business hiring offset by slow sales growth 
1 in 5 organisations have had company data exposed by an employee using AI tools such as ChatGPT
Eight out of 10 drivers want buttons, not touchscreens
New technology wins Scotland’s leading weed control and tree management specialist a contract with Stirling Council
Electric car drivers in Scotland benefit from FOR:EV joining Zapmap’s cross-network payment solution
DSIT bolsters its leadership team to drive UK’s science and tech superpower mission
Charity calls for Scottish tech sector to help safeguard Scotland’s digital future

New funding to put the UK at heart of next generation telecommunications services

THE UK Space Agency has announced a £10 million funding competition that will help UK companies put their technologies at...

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