Inside the Mind of a Hacker: CyberScotland Week 2023

Jai Aenugu, managing director at TechForce

TECHFORCE Founder Jai Aenugu is delighted to announce that he will be partnering with one of the world’s foremost experts on counter threat intelligence and vulnerability research within the Information Security industry; Chris Roberts during CyberScotland Week 2023.  

CyberScotland Week (27 February – 5 March 2023) draws together events across Scotland to showcase the innovation taking place across the sector.  

With the threat of cyber security being compromised in our home life to our business. Whether you need to protect yourself or your organisation, you need to be cyber aware and resilient in a growing digital world.  

Inside the Mind of a Hacker will be one of the key events taking place on 1st March at 3pm.  The one-hour online event will be free to those that register via Eventbrite or through and will cover the first step in cyber defense for any individuals and businesses. Whether you work in finance, aviation, healthcare, oil and gas; these places are under constant attack from cyber-attacks.  The motivation can be anything from financial gain, political disruption, data theft or espionage.

In the UK alone there are 65,000 attempts daily to attack SMEs, around 4,500 of which are successful. 33% of UK organisations say that they lost customers after a data breach. The average remediation cost of a successful ransomware attack to UK enterprises is £840,000.

‘Understanding the mind of a hacker IS a good thing for people to comprehend, we’re here to help, to push the boundaries, AND to advise. We’re not the criminals, the adversaries, attackers, or folks looking to cause disruption’.  Emphasises Chris.

Attacks are a huge part of our daily lives now; no individual and corporation are buffered by constant threat.  How many of us have felt our hearts beat faster when we cannot locate our mobile device? they are such an essential part of our life we would fail to do basic things like contact a colleague or loved one without them.  This same device is now more dangerous than a loaded weapon, more intrusive than a host of spies, and yet we treat it as if it’s a friend, and hand it to kids to watch videos or play games.

‘To protect your organisation and individuals you have to look at all avenues, see them as a hacker does.  It can be internet-connected devices, the cloud or mobile apps that can be the route in for an attacker.” Says Jai Aenugu. 

“There are opportunities everywhere in every place where there are humans and a computer network.  Even industry heavyweights such as Microsoft and were not safe last year and they employ countless people to oversee cyber defense…so literally nobody is safe.”

Jai will be joined by Chris Roberts who is the CISO for Boom Supersonic and works as an advisor for several entities and organizations around the globe.  His most recent projects are focused within the aerospace, deception, identity, cryptography, Artificial Intelligence, and services sectors. Over the years, he’s founded or worked with several folks specializing in OSINT/SIGINT/HUMINT research, intelligence gathering, cryptography, and deception technologies. 

Link to EventBrite –

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